Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BMC Box Office, This is Liz.

This summer I have been a workin' girl.

My time as a box office cashier at the Brevard Music Center was full of fun, frustration, and soul-searching.
I enjoy my co-workers, and have a wonderful supervisor. However, working with the public can be very emotionally-taxing as any person with customer service experience can understand. If there is any confusion, please refer to this tumblr account for every experience I have encountered in Arts Management...

Liz's Summer Experience

Spending time in the mountains has been bitter-sweet. It is amazing how much I remember from being a camper here so long ago, and how much I don't. For instance, I can remember specific conversations with people in specific places, but do not have any recollection of the cafeteria? My memory is as selective as my hearing.

I miss the beach. period. I am a sea-level, ocean-loving, beach girl. Always have been, always will be. I am not looking forward to being so land-locked next year.

I am really liking the word-word thing in this blog post.

On the up side- ( ^ . ^ ) I have really learned a lot about myself here. I have realized that I have been (in general) a very bad young adult. I need to get my shit together; I need to make something of myself and not rely on others. I have also learned how much of a family person I really am. I have missed my family like crazy, and also my wonderful friends. More than anything, I have missed Leo and my dogs, and our little family that we have together.

I traded in Gustav (my viola) for a smaller viola coined Gustav Jr. It is so much more comfortable, but kind of bright but it really is getting better every day (or every time I play it would be the correct phrasing). I still am not a fan of this bow, but I will live. It works worse with this new viola, if that is even possible. That will be my next big purchase. (Maybe after the Microsoft Surface Tablet)

My goal for next year (Go Hoosiers! Starting to get into the school spirit... not gonna lie) is to practice and rest moderately. Too many times (as a trait of a Libra) I have worked my ass off and crashed afterwards to the point of hibernation. However, I am really scared of being a complete failure at Indiana, and not liking my experience there. I am determined to make the most of it though, but I will always be a Pirate :D.

Pictures of my summer home....

Summer fun..
Home sweet home..
Around the campus
Cabin from my first summer camp EVER

Blue Ridge Parkway