Monday, November 28, 2011


I can not believe how much money these colleges make on application fees only. I have spent so much money on my graduate school application fees it is ridiculous. I could have bought a new laptop. Or lots of make-up. OR THE BLACK GUCCI BAG I HAVE BEEN LUSTING OVER!

This all makes me very sad. However I am almost done with my applications, just figuring out audition dates that make sense. Looks the the Chinatown bus is going to be getting lots of business!

Here are the schools so far on my list:
SUNY Stony Brook
Indiana University
Eastman School of Music
University of North Texas
DePaul University
Northwestern University
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
Cleveland Institute of Music
Roosevelt CCPA (possibly..)

I have so much practicing to do, it will be a miracle from God if I get into any of these programs. But I am still hoping.

I really want an eggnog milkshake! I think it is the only thing that will be me through the tedious ear-cancer inducing Suzuki observation videos I am about to watch.

Too bad I don't have time to play Zelda Skyward Sword game, which is awesome but not as good as Ocarina of Time, sorry. "Deal with it."

I have decided to make a really delicious grape salad for the next Four Seasons party, it is super easy and tastes AMAZING! Maybe I will make a pineapple casserole too, these people need some good southern cookin'.

I finally cleaned my apartment; it is amazing how much better I feel when everything is clean and I can actually see the floor in my bedroom. I also scrubbed down my bathroom which was desperately needed. Of course, in the time I cleaned the living room, bathroom and bedroom Leo just cleaned the kitchen...

I found a perfect painting/picture to put over my couch! Although I found it in Bed Bath and Beyond it is completely my style. I am excited, I am going to get it for a Christmas present for myself. Along with a new diet, which is most certainly needed at this point.

Apparently it is illegal to own or sell turtles in North Carolina? I was very disappointed when I heard this because I really wanted a little baby turtle :(.

C'est la vie.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I haven't blogged since school started, which has been a very interesting semester. Today I experienced the first pains of missing violin. Listening to Ara play the Prokofiev no.1 violin sonata made me remember all those times I listened to my favorite Prokofiev works and looked forward to playing them someday. Since I switched to viola I probably won't have that chance unless I learn it on my own (which could be a fun summer project or something) and that makes me sad. Oh well I'll get over it. And use Google to see if he wrote anything for viola which is unlikely; according to Ara "he knew better".

I have decided that I need to get my life in order. Time management wise and personally, I feel like I am all over the place. I also have been getting flashes of feeling really really depressed and figured I should stop it while I'm ahead. Although I have been wanting a cigarette lately.

My new viola chin rest smells like a cigar if I sweat a little, and it was distracting me during the orchestra concert. I wonder if some fume from it has caused my migraines the last few days but it's probably my period. Or maybe it's a withdrawal symptom from Advil I have been on 24/7 since spraining my ankle.

Cold weather is here, and I am super excited to pull out all my scarves! I also plan to wear heels more often once my ankle heals. I miss the days I looked nice. I also need to pull out all of Cadence's cute sweaters :D.

Best news of the week: my laptop is finally fixed!!!!!!!!