Thursday, November 17, 2011


I haven't blogged since school started, which has been a very interesting semester. Today I experienced the first pains of missing violin. Listening to Ara play the Prokofiev no.1 violin sonata made me remember all those times I listened to my favorite Prokofiev works and looked forward to playing them someday. Since I switched to viola I probably won't have that chance unless I learn it on my own (which could be a fun summer project or something) and that makes me sad. Oh well I'll get over it. And use Google to see if he wrote anything for viola which is unlikely; according to Ara "he knew better".

I have decided that I need to get my life in order. Time management wise and personally, I feel like I am all over the place. I also have been getting flashes of feeling really really depressed and figured I should stop it while I'm ahead. Although I have been wanting a cigarette lately.

My new viola chin rest smells like a cigar if I sweat a little, and it was distracting me during the orchestra concert. I wonder if some fume from it has caused my migraines the last few days but it's probably my period. Or maybe it's a withdrawal symptom from Advil I have been on 24/7 since spraining my ankle.

Cold weather is here, and I am super excited to pull out all my scarves! I also plan to wear heels more often once my ankle heals. I miss the days I looked nice. I also need to pull out all of Cadence's cute sweaters :D.

Best news of the week: my laptop is finally fixed!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

micmarfru said...

I just logged on to restart a blog. and saw that you just started posting again. That's almost creepy how our blogging schedules work. yay. lol