Saturday, October 20, 2012


I actually hate the phrase B-Town, equally as much as G-Vegas but anyways...

I haven't posted in awhile, and haven't mentioned anything about my new school. I think it is time for...


First impression were:

  1. Am I ever going to learn the bus route without getting confused (AKA getting on the bus through the wrong door)?
  2. Where the hell is MU, MAC, MA, PB, and other one that I don't know the acronym for which explains why I am always lost.
  3. It is impossible to know which direction the women's bathroom is in the MA.
  4. Why are there no signs for people like me on how to get on the MAC stage? I had to go up this narrow twisted staircase that I am pretty sure is for stage crew only
  5. If you do not ask me AT LEAST what my first name is, then why would I tell you what studio I am in if you are just going to immediately classify me before knowing me?
  6. Same goes for orchestra.
  7. Fall in Indiana is actually pretty.
  8. IU has a crazy amount of ethnic food nearby.
  9. The Kroger here is huge.
  10. My skin/lips have never been so dry in MY LIFE
I think Cadence and Wesley are adjusting nicely, at least they are finally eating dry dog food again. But I have decorated my apartment with fall pumpkins and Bath and Body Works candles and wallflowers (Favorite scents: Autumn, Leaves, Pumpkin Cupcake). AND I have my little ghost and jack-o-latern candles out and a black cat garland. :D Decorating makes me happy. I miss HGTV for this reason. 

I have really been into the show Heroes. I know I am pretty late but better late than never! I've been thinking about watching a new show but I am still waiting for Netflix to get the second season of Downton Abbey because I STILL have not seen it! Of course Netflix is only putting up ghetto-fab movies and children shows....not happy

Motivation has been an issue since moving here. But I feel that motivation has been an issue since I was finished with my graduate auditions. I have tried to find inspiration but for right now it is non-existent. Sigh. I have been motivated to clean though, so I guess that counts for something. 

Loneliness has also been a new part of my life here. Thankfully Sohyun is here for the semester and has been giving me much needed company. Waking up to an empty apartment and eating by yourself just sucks, no matter who you are. 

That's why I have dogs.

Around town pictures.

Trying to be a better earthling.

Outside of Simon Music Center

Serious organ


Indiana Memorial Union, which is HUGE and fancy with a hotel.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Having pets as a college student

This might be a lengthy one.

So a background on my views on pets/ how I got my pets:
As a junior in college, I was really wanting to get a pet. First reason is because I am a HUGE animal lover. Some of my happiest moments as a kid was sitting on the tile floor in Florida playing and hugging my English Bulldog, Belle. Just as not everyone is cut out to have kids, not everyone is cut out to have animals either. You have to love animals, and I think it is really important to understand that they aren't accessory items but extremely dependent living beings. Animals have their own little personalities, likes, dislikes, and not so great moments. Dogs are domesticated animals as well, and they need companionship. For this reason, getting a dog to tie it up in a yard and ignore it is completely unethical to me and is extremely upsetting. If you can't understand the responsibility involved in having a pet, especially a dog, don't get one.

I do not like being alone. I am also very aware of what makes me happy vs. unhappy and companionship makes life much more worthwhile. Taking care of people or animals and loving unconditionally is also important to me; living life solely for myself just flat out makes me miserable. As a college junior, I was preparing for Leo to move the next year and go to a graduate program for the next two years. I decided to go ahead and get a dog because I knew I was going to be feeling very lonely and upset when he left. I knew that it would help me through the transition and I also really wanted to have a little companion in my life.

Some people don't know this, mainly because I did not want to talk about it at the time and still don't like to, but I adopted a dog. Her name was Sadie, she was a mix breed dog, around 1-2 years old and had mild heartworms. I walked around with her and loved her, she was such a sweet dog. I got her in early December, and the day I got her she ran away. I put her in my bathroom temporarily (my bathroom was huge by the way) while I was going to a gig because I wasn't sure if she was house trained and hadn't bought a gate yet. She was in there for maybe a couple minutes, and the front door of my apartment was open and when I opened the bathroom door for some reason (can't remember now) she freaked out and bolted out of my apartment. I realized that she was probably caged in as a puppy and scared; I felt so terrible for not thinking of that. I did not go to my gig, but spent a large part of the night looking for her in the woods behind my apartment where she ran. Of course I didn't find her, and for weeks after I constantly looked through the woods for any sign of her and left food out everywhere. Long story short, I got a phone call a couple months later from someone who ran over her and looked at her collar. She had been living wild that entire time. I went to her, and Leo and Byron buried her in this spot on the edge of a field that was wild like her, and had a perfect view of the sunset. I didn't go with them to bury her because it was too upsetting to me. I went to see her afterwards though and I just remember crying a lot.

Needless to say, I didn't want another dog, I wanted to find Sadie. I felt like I wasn't ready to get another dog after she ran away, because I didn't want to fail another dog. My mom knew that I wasn't getting Sadie back though, and decided to go in with Leo and find me another dog. And she found a litter of Chihuahua's. I drove to Danville with Micaela and met this woman with a bunch of little Chihuahua's. They were all cute, but there was one weirdly colored (her hair grew out though) one, around a 1 1/2 pounds that was kind of bossy and I knew that was my dog. We sat in the car the entire way back to Greenville trying to think of a name for her, nothing fit her because she was just different. So I called her Cadence :D. Training her was pretty much a nightmare, and a lot of trial and error but that will come later.

Because I was a student, I really wanted Cadence to have a companion while I was at school. I didn't really tell a lot of people I was looking at other dogs, but I pretty much knew I was going to get another one when I got Cadence. I found a litter of Shih Tzu's and drove with Leo to Sanford and let Cadence play with two different black twin Shih Tzu's. She had no interest in the first one, but was running around with the second and I knew they would get along. I got him that day, and named him Wesley :D. Although some people didn't think it was a good thing to get another one, I knew it was. I can't imagine life without Wesley, he is the perfect balance point and pretty much the worlds sweetest dog. (in my opinion)

So here is my advice and experience with having two dogs in college.
- Socialize A LOT!
Dogs, especially Chihuahua's need to be socialized to other people and dogs. Dogs that have tendencies to attach themselves to their owners or have any sort of traumatizing past need to be socialized. I did not want a Chihuahua that growled at everyone, so I took her to parties, friends houses, teachers houses, even studio classes and chamber rehearsals. I literally took her everywhere and let people hold her without me hovering all over her. I did the same deal with Wesley, and I took them to the dog park A LOT. Cadence is still not big on dogs (besides Wesley) and hates puppies with big paws that step on her but at first she wouldn't even leave my feet. Now she runs from me the second she can. She is also very loving and is a total attention whore to anyone she sees. Wesley is just loving to everyone; neither would ever randomly growl aggressively at anyone because they were socialized.

- Be ready to sacrifice your time
I am gone a lot at school, but when I am home I spend all of my time with my dogs. Whether it is sitting on the couch with them, playing with them, talking to them (which I do a lot, maybe that is weird..) or being near them (Cadence always has to be near my feet for some reason), when I am home it is dog time. Time out your class schedule and day so that you can spend more time at home. I practice a lot at home and try to take classes back to back so I can have a portion of the day at home or get done earlier. I also manage my classes and rehearsals so that I can get home to take them out to the bathroom. This is really important, especially when you are house training because they need to be taken out constantly. If I am gone for a long time, I leave a puppy pad out for Cadence (which I trained her on from the beginning) because she can't hold it as long. If you can avoid the puppy pad, do; they are kind of a pain in the ass especially when dogs miss the pad. Crate training is also good. Cadence was much slower than Wesley to catch on to the house training business which takes me to my next point

- Be patient and expect a lot of mess ups.
I can't even begin to share everything my dogs have done. Both had terrible teething experiences (Cadence's teeth bled, and Wesley chewed everything!! Including Louis Vuitton bag handles, BOSE headphones, WALLS, furniture, BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC THAT WAS MY TEACHERS, and even homework which was ridiculous to have to explain) Leo was convinced we should have named him Chewy because A) he looks like Chewbacca and B) his love for chewing things. Cadence was the house training nightmare. If she went there once, she just didn't understand why she couldn't again. And she is extremely stubborn and willful, scolding her sometimes gets you nowhere because she just gets an attitude and glares at you. Wesley just feels awful and sad; Cadence gets defensive. However, instilling fear in pets to obey you is absolutely NOT the answer. Be firm, be consistent but it is more important to reward them and let you know that you are happy when they do something right. It makes them want to do it again, and eventually break away from bad habits. It also makes for really happy pets.

- Take responsibility
This seems like an obvious statement but in a way it isn't. It took me a long time to realize this, but you need to take responsibility for your pets actions. Scolding them and screaming at them constantly will not make them not chew another book, but realizing that you are most likely doing something wrong for them to think it is OK to misbehave. Be flexible with training and open to trying a lot of different options if one isn't working. Also, if a pet misbehaves or has an accident, don't punish them an hour later. Watch them and make sure they know the MINUTE they mess up that it is wrong. They have short memories, and if you come home from school and see a mess, they most likely won't realize what you are scolding them about. This mindset really worked for me.

[As a side note I think the take responsibility mentality is extremely important for having a happy dog. I know that some breeds have more aggressive tendencies, but it all comes down to the owner. If the dog is aggressive, it is either from having a traumatic experience in their life that made them that way or having a bad owner. Dogs that fear owners are not happy and are going to be aggressive. Dogs that are not loved and largely ignored are going to be miserable and probably aggressive. Dogs that aren't socialized are going to be aggressive and scared of strangers. They know when they are loved and looked after properly, and it is important to realize that they are COMPLETELY dependent on you. ]

Dogs are also very expensive. Shots, vet visits, food, getting them fixed (especially very small dogs like Chihuahua's) and medicines are not cheap. Get a pet when you know you have money to pay for their expenses, and if a medical emergency comes up.

Most importantly, make decisions for your pets for their benefit, not yours. If something is expensive or inconvenient for you but might be better for your pet, really consider it because they are dependent on you and your decisions. Be reasonable of course, but you have to take responsibility for being a pet owner and doing what is best for them.

With all of that being said, I never ever regret getting Cadence and Wesley. They have really helped me into young adulthood and showed me a side of myself I hadn't known, which is the more maternal Liz. Coming home from school, being completely stressed and tired of the music world is so much better when you have pets greeting you at the door. It makes anywhere I live instantly home because they are there. And being around their unconditional and total love makes you think a lot about your own relationships.

Seeing them happy is an incredibly rewarding and wonderful feeling. And it makes me more happy than any job, grade, or audition result ever could.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Last Day in NC

Very last day in NC for the next two years.

Although I slowly came to love North Carolina, (moved here in 5th grade from Miami so who would like to suddenly be placed in what I thought of as "the country") I really feel like this is a wonderful place to live. You have the beautiful beautiful beach, that for the most part is not commercial and so quaint and cottage like. Not to mention all the history of the outer banks, and the islands that inhabit wild horses. I have spent most summers/vacations at a NC beach for my entire life and there is absolutely no where else that feels more like home, happy memories and relaxation.

On the other side of the state you have the blue ridge mountains; there is nothing like it in the world. For a bible belt state- Western NC is a mixture of Wiccans, churches, waterfalls, blue grass, Chaco's and a lot of humanism.
And you have the middle part of the state, which has the "research triangle" and a 42% population of people with college degrees.

I'm moving to Indiana tomorrow, land of the Hoosiers (even though according to my family, a hoosier is a piece of furniture with cabinets; is that a southern thing?)

Home is where the heart is, and home for me is North Carolina.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Spacial gestures

Today I realized (for the millionth time) that some people make me sick.

Like really, really sick.

And only occasionally do I have pity parties for myself, (my Aunt always said to set aside 30 minutes and no more to let it all out and then move on) so this isn't a pity party. I just think that some people are so incredibly fortunate in life and live their dreams because they are handed to them by others.

Part of me feels torn between feeling resentful and jealous, and another for feeling a sense of accomplishment that there are some things I've had to fight through to get. All the while falling flat on my face numerous times.

"It builds character," well some people have a lot of catching up to do then. It will only be harder for them later in life when they realize the true concept of shit happens.

Because those people are so caught up in themselves they don't enjoy the super small things that make me happy. Like picking this awesome tomato and eating it, remembering the times my grandma made me tomato sandwiches growing up.

And I want to get a "It's BO time" sticker.

Here is some interesting facts on life:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Home is where the heart is.



Newest addition the the family: Dini

Fresh grown tomatoes for amazing tomato sandwiches

Coastal rain

Cat #2: Tiger

Cat # 3: Nellie (the original)

Benson being Benson


Storm damage

Cats stalking Benson

My parents (and family) dog, Gypsey AKA Jippy passed away this summer. We've had her since I was in middle school and the house feels so empty without her. Here are some pictures of her, RIP Jippy.

Baby Jippy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Favorite animal = elephant; but of course it is because I am a Libra :D

Eventually will get something like this...

 Or like this...


Today I am tired.

I am tired of my alarm clock, which tells me the date/weather/time like my grandfathers old clock growing up. Especially because it CONTINUES to not tell me the time in Fahrenheit so I really do not know the temperature at all.

I have found a new source of practice inspiration from two places.
1) Having a smaller viola

This makes a HUGE difference in my practicing, because I can actually focus on the music/sound/interpretation instead of trying to reach around and maintain somewhat of a hand frame. That is so incredibly distracting and frustrating; I can't make music when I am completely uncomfortable.

[Side note] OH NO, this man just came up to my window at work that likes to give me complaints..... it is too early for this. Even though it is almost 2pm.

2) The Olympics

Although it isn't a music competition, reading about the lives of the athletes in the Olympics is incredibly inspiring. Their work ethic is ridiculous, and just reading about the schedules they endure every day makes me feel so lazy. In particular the gymnasts, they are so dedicated and I find that so motivating to work and maximize my talents.

Also to diet.

I want to go to IKEA, I think I am newly addicted to that store. I love this dresser there...

This is also SUPER adorable, for towels or books!

I think I am in love

Also in love with these pictures of Kate Moss in Haute Couture at the Ritz Paris.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BMC Box Office, This is Liz.

This summer I have been a workin' girl.

My time as a box office cashier at the Brevard Music Center was full of fun, frustration, and soul-searching.
I enjoy my co-workers, and have a wonderful supervisor. However, working with the public can be very emotionally-taxing as any person with customer service experience can understand. If there is any confusion, please refer to this tumblr account for every experience I have encountered in Arts Management...

Liz's Summer Experience

Spending time in the mountains has been bitter-sweet. It is amazing how much I remember from being a camper here so long ago, and how much I don't. For instance, I can remember specific conversations with people in specific places, but do not have any recollection of the cafeteria? My memory is as selective as my hearing.

I miss the beach. period. I am a sea-level, ocean-loving, beach girl. Always have been, always will be. I am not looking forward to being so land-locked next year.

I am really liking the word-word thing in this blog post.

On the up side- ( ^ . ^ ) I have really learned a lot about myself here. I have realized that I have been (in general) a very bad young adult. I need to get my shit together; I need to make something of myself and not rely on others. I have also learned how much of a family person I really am. I have missed my family like crazy, and also my wonderful friends. More than anything, I have missed Leo and my dogs, and our little family that we have together.

I traded in Gustav (my viola) for a smaller viola coined Gustav Jr. It is so much more comfortable, but kind of bright but it really is getting better every day (or every time I play it would be the correct phrasing). I still am not a fan of this bow, but I will live. It works worse with this new viola, if that is even possible. That will be my next big purchase. (Maybe after the Microsoft Surface Tablet)

My goal for next year (Go Hoosiers! Starting to get into the school spirit... not gonna lie) is to practice and rest moderately. Too many times (as a trait of a Libra) I have worked my ass off and crashed afterwards to the point of hibernation. However, I am really scared of being a complete failure at Indiana, and not liking my experience there. I am determined to make the most of it though, but I will always be a Pirate :D.

Pictures of my summer home....

Summer fun..
Home sweet home..
Around the campus
Cabin from my first summer camp EVER

Blue Ridge Parkway