Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Greetings from Tampa

Finally here and super tired. That trip felt so much longer than it was. Especially since Leo slept the entire 4 1/2 hours I was driving. The dogs were really good though, didn't make a sound.

I will be spending the majority of my time practicing which I am really excited about. My viola sounds so much better now with my new bridge and it feels so much easier too.

Monday, December 19, 2011



It is a Galaxy Nexus and I really love it. I've only had it a few hours and I don't know how I lived without internet on my phone for so long.

So between my hard drive on my laptop crashing and my old old laptop breaking I have lost a ton of music I have burned over the years. (As in my first 3 years at ECU) So I wrote down some of the music I know I had before but lost and I didn't realize how much I put down because the music library people had to put the CD's in a BOX. A big box too, no little bag for me. I actually feel pretty bad, I wouldn't have wrote down so many if I knew how much it was. Leo went to get them and came back with "the box" and said it took them 45 minutes. I also can't believe they are letting us check out so many. I know one thing, I am turning these in ON TIME. That would be a huge fine.

I am very close to being done with Christmas shopping. I just have Leo's present and his family's. My family is all done and I am relieved. Well except for the CD I am making my mom but that can wait.

I am picking up my viola on my way to Tampa tomorrow and I am EXCITED! I can't wait to play it. I am spoiled by nice instruments.

This break is going to be the break of practicing at all moments of the day. The Hindemith, Kurtag, and Rode' and I are going to get very acquainted. I really hope my viola sounds good.

And now I have Willie Nelson's On The Road Again stuck in my head, however I am currently listening to Menuhin play Mozart concertos so I guess I am having an infamous moment of playing one piece and having another in my head (Aka, Prokofiev String Quartet no. 2 rehearsals).

Next time, I will be writing in 80 degree weather.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A long time I have watched

I am watching Star Wars TRILOGY in my clean and newly decorated apartment and I couldn't be more content.

First of all, I love Yoda, he is awesome. And Luke Skywalker is hot but Harrison Ford is hotter. Second, I love my new wall sconces (which I always pronounce scones) over my dinner table, it is so romantic and quaint. Third, I love my new lamp and seat cover, both of which I would not have gotten without Ryan's astute observations and critique. I also love my new picture that was a bee in it :D Even though Byron said it was ugly.

I had a great weekend with Carolina Philharmonic. The group is good, and the conductor is much more musical than other local conductors which I enjoyed working with. The hotel we stayed in was super nice, and we didn't have to check out until 2 so I had breakfast in bed and watched Sunday Morning in bed. I love Sunday Morning, my mom and I use to watch it every Sunday, which I suppose my mom still does. It reminds me of my childhood though.

I am excited for Christmas, because I am excited about the Christmas presents I have planned for people :D.

I get my viola back tomorrow!!!! I so super excited for my new bridge and sound post adjustment. I realized this weekend while playing on a substitute how spoiled I am by my nice instrument. I think it is going to make a huge difference. I can't wait to get down to business and practice.

Wesley is getting his haircut tomorrow, and then I am taking Wesley and Cadence (who is getting her hairs clipped and teeth cleaned) to take pictures with Santa! I think it is going to be really cute.

Tomorrow I need to buy some Christmas cards, and I was going to make fudge but I don't think I have time anymore which makes me sad. Oh well.

I think I need to listen to more opera.

Tomorrow, when I go to Raleigh, and hopefully get my viola, I will go to Trader Joe's for the first time. I am determined!

Tampa Tuesday, then back to NC for the New Years!