Monday, June 20, 2011


Father's Day is my least favorite holiday.

I am hopefully going to get called for an interview for Artisans soon, and I realllllllllllllllllllllllly hope I get the job. My family is putting pressure on me (or really they think I am not doing shit to get a job which isn't true) and my stress won't leave until a job happens. This process is painful, and I really need to move somewhere soon. I think I found a new place I want to live; tomorrow I am going over there to fill out an application and see if my credit (eh) can pass the test. Leo got a surprise check yesterday, and I got back 215 of my deposit since they owned me money (this stuff NEVER happens to me!)  so hopefully I can put down the deposit!

Clemen's is all paid up, and I hope I won't have to bother him again since I think he hates me. 

In other news, I really want a freaking dairy queen blizzard. :( 

My parents suggested I go by Sullivan learning center and ask for a job. I think I will, even if I am at 3rd grade level math. I wonder if I should ask for a disability check.

My parents are also so anal about saving money that they just asked me to turn off the bathroom light while Leo was IN THERE. They also told me to stop doing dishes during the day to save money, which is completely fine with me, its not like I want to do it anyway; I am just trying to be helpful. God forbid.

What a terrible summer.

And I officially sound better on viola than violin. I actually missed viola while playing violin this weekend. It might also be because I had to play on my crappy violin that didn't have an A string. 

Why are blonde evil vampires so hot? I usually don't find blondes attractive. 

And every time I see a Madeline Island update on Facebook I feel very nostalgic and sad. 

This is the new motto since my old one is overused. 

I stumbled upon this picture and stared at it for awhile. Unlike most stumble upon items that I usually speed through, I couldn't stop looking at it because its the most symbolic image I've ever seen of my "dark ages". It's how I sometimes see my life, and how I can feel really hopeless and trapped. It's really beautiful in a way. 

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