Monday, June 13, 2011

"If you will not pass a drug test, please leave quietly"

I am in purgatory, I need some ranting time.

The title was on top of an employment agency application, and I thought about it for awhile and assumed they added the quietly for a reason, but who would leave any employment agency screaming "aw shit, why did I smoke that dope last night?!" or anything for that matter. I mean, drug users are not necessarily shameless publicly.

Today was job hunting day again in G-villez, and it was not fun. First I went to Wesley South to get any mail that came, and the maintenance guy was sighing and moaning about it on the phone very loudly to the office person. And I heard him; I'm sorry for being an inconvenience, its just I don't really want someone looking at any bills I have and stealing my identity. Giving people keys is just a major chore, I know. And they are ripping out the carpet in my apartment, and they better not charge me extra for that because I think my 600 dollar pet deposit needs to go to something.

Uni. Parks apartment they showed us was absolutely disgusting, honestly if people really leave the apartments that dirty I don't even know what to say. Well yes I do, Wesley South better not charge me for crap because I left it better than I got it. Same with this apartment I saw today if I get it. Well, we will see about that, I am still looking around. And there was no dishwasher, and old vomit on the stairs. I think they showed us the party people building and not the nice music students building.

I went to employment agencies, filled out applications which was fine. The first one I went to was actually nice, except for the man behind the computer grunting at things I said. The second one was not as great, because the first thing they ask when you walk in is "do you have a high school diploma or GED?" I did take a look at the application this guy was filling out next to me though, and realized I was way over qualified since his only work was a bagger at piggly wiggly. When I was called back, the women asked me how I felt about factory assembly work..... this summer is really turning out nicely.

To top off the day, I was sitting in Starbucks, where I would really like to work, enjoying my gift card bought parfait and thinking "how the hell do so many stupid and rude people get jobs and I can't?" when Mrs. K.D. walks in wearing a Starbucks uniform. At this point I stopped thinking about my previous worries because I realized I will never understand the mysteries of the universe.

We got an ice machine today, I'm not really sure how to feel about it.

Wesley jumped off the golf cart today while we were moving, momentarily freaking us out and made me remember the time I was riding in the back of Steve's pick up truck with young Jippy up the driveway and she jumped off. I didn't let go of the leash, although now that I look back I probably should have for safety, but ended up leaning over the truck with Jippy running next to it screaming like crazy.

I've been to the Kinko's in G-villez a lot over the years, and there is one guy there that really irks me. He is constantly sarcastic, which might be hypocritical for me to say but his sarcasm is the big-headed type that I can't stand. Today I went in to mail back the viola case, and granted the box had gone back and forth a couple times, but he had the audacity to make a little bitchy comment about it because it's slightly bent  up and dirty. I mean, I'm sorry that your job is so mundane that your only entertaining is smugly commenting on used boxes. I'm sure you really bruised the boxes ego, I know mine is. As long as the box doesn't have holes, is able to hold things, and has room for the address form, I don't really care about the condition of a shipping box, getting banged up is part of its job, that is why we use them.

It really wasn't a big deal, but it was just so unnecessary.

Also, who cares which stove burner you use to simmer something? It's the only thing on the stove!

On a happy note, I feel closer to getting a job, and have a couple more possibilities happening. I really hope something will happen soon. And I did better than 73 % of the general percentile on my MAT! A small accomplishment but I was really worried so it made me feel better.

This picture is in honor of my parents new dog training approach of saying "quiet" and putting out the hand in a very "use the force" motion. It is giving me great entertainment, and using the force might be the only way to get Benson to stop barking.


micmarfru said...

This blog made my day for SO many reasons. :) hahaha. In other words. I miss you. Let's hang out.

Ryan Matthew said...

I really think you should consider that place Stevie worked at or get your butt up to VB and work at a shop like I did!