Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We are the champions

My mom has been singing we are the champions lately, I'm not sure what the reason is though.

The BIG NEWS of today is that......... I passed the MAT!!!!! Granted, I had to get at least a 40 % projectile, but I got a 53 %. Which means I'm not really smart but better than average. And the test was a whole lot harder than the practice tests; usually it goes from easy to hard but the first question today was ridiculous and I was panicking.  But its over and I am incredibly relieved.

Afterwards I sat in bed and watched the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and laughed at all the terrible 90's graphics, but the show is pretty entertaining. I'll be over it in two days I'm sure.

I sight read the Handel - Halvorsen today with Leo, I did a pretty good job, not great but the first part was easy :D. My intermediately level reading needs to get better quickly, aka. yesterday. Gustav needs a breaking in, and I've been a big neglectful.

I tried to explain clefs to Steve tonight, and realized that to someone completely music illiterate it is difficult. I tried to explain it by using language as a comparison, and different clefs are like different dialects that are completely different reading and writing but use the same words, alphabet and symbols. I think he understood, maybe. Of course according to Leo, I'm never clear when I'm trying to describe something, and have been banned from saying "thing-y".

Tomorrow on my list of things to do is:

  • Clean inside of boat
  • Power wash the side of the house
  • Practice a lot
  • Send in at least three more job applications
  • Get my shit together
I just really need a job so I can get out of this limbo period. 

Today's wish list item:

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