Thursday, June 2, 2011


It is ridiculously hot in the south.

The Internet has been out for a week. It's just came up today and we have all been dying. George the Internet guy was trying fix it last night and my mom was so happy she wanted to offer to bake him a cake.

Well the battle with the instruments is over, really no thanks to me but who listens to a college student?

On the other hand I am back to broke. My mom made me sit down with her to make a list of "in" money and "out" money. It was extremely disproportional.

So as a result, I am pulling out some none hole-y clothes and going out into the work force. Already got my "so you want a career in grocery?" worksheet which I have to say I really do not. However my mom said she did, so I guess she wants to pass the family shit job legacy. As long s I'm not waiting tables for cheap people who want cheap food so they can tip cheaply. Well to quote Ara, as long as I have Gustav I'm winning.

I hope to get enough money so that I can get a new laptop hard drive. I miss it. And my mom is obsessed with the Casey Anthony trial; read all the evidence and everything. I guess it's her form of As the World Turns. It is really interesting though, and I might as well give my opinion since it's my blog, although I'm aware it doesn't matter and no one cares. I think she's guilty but I'm not sure if it's murder or accident.

Today was Clean Boat day. Or Liz cleans boat while Leo sprays Liz and wages war on the hundreds of mosquitoes hovering the boat. Not an enjoyable experience.

Off to g-Vegas tomorrow.

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