Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blip on my radar

Living at home for 27 days now ( I mean, whose counting? oh right, Steve), has made me realize how little time I have spent with my parents since age 14. Before the NCSA days, I was never home. I spent the night at friends houses constantly, since 3 of my best friends were within walking distance of my house. If not the night, I was over there during the day, after school, weekends, you name it. When I went to NCSA, I rarely went home. I would come home for holidays, two weeks in the summer before a summer festival, and two weeks after the festival and before I go back to school. I hardly saw or spoke to my family either, maybe once every 2-4 weeks, because I have bad phone relations. Of course when I was home, I took full advantage of my time to be a "normal" teenager... going to the beach, spending an entire week at a friends house, going to my friends schools and toilet papering their car while they are in class, driving around for hours, and basically never being home (or being home and having a friend over too). I went to summer festivals every year in high school, and once I came to college things weren't very different. I never lived at home, and though I saw my mom a lot more at the SOM, I still had a life centered around fun, friends and music. Now that I am at home, miles away from friends, with only my family (minus Leo) that I am not use to being around in large doses and isn't use to me, it is a very big strain. Since I went away to high school, they have adjusted to the empty nest of home. I feel like a complete outsider... worse a 24 year old outsider who can't find a job and has to fend of them. Granted they are my family, but I might as well be in my thirties because I have been gone and independent for a long freaking time, unlike a lot of college students who still rely on their parents until they get their first big job. The problem is I'm not in my thirties, and I am in a weird transitional time in my life, and I went away from home really young and everyone has adjusted accordingly.

Wait, is my blog my new shrink? This feels like a therapy session.

On that note, the therapists in G-villez really suck, I miss my old one. They are either too flippant with "that must be hard" (note no real sympathy or understanding, nor asking questions to better understand the complexities of the issue) or ended up talking about themselves and how they can relate. How does that make me feel better? I don't care,  I'm paying you to care and help, so I don't need to know my problems aren't singular. I know that people are in a shittier situations. Can I just have a PAID hour of Liz - only time? Annoying.

I went to the doctors today to get more meds for the rosacea, that has possibly become a bacterial infection on my skin (great) and this guy came in selling watermelons. It was amusing because he came in about 4 times (simultaneously dropping off his elderly father) going up to the counter and going over the prices for all the pounds of seedless and seeded. He was the most obnoxious salesperson I have ever seen. The receptionist told him to come back on payday, with noted sarcasm, and he asked when it was. Well you have to give him an A for effort.

Leo has, in two days, obtained two jobs. Liz has none, but I'm glad money will be coming in somehow.

The good news is...we got a new place!!! It's a little old, like built in 40's but updated on old, but you know what, it has character. I think I need a place with some personality, I'm tired of motel living. Its a little house/duplex/or triplex home, in a small cul-de-sac and is the last one of the end. The best part is that the rooms are on the side that isn't connected to another home; which means we can practice without worrying too much. There is also a forest in the back for easy doggie access. My mom and I are already brainstorming about what potted plants to put out :D. It's not much, but it is the first place Leo and I picked out together, and it is a step up from an apartment, so I am happy. It is cute.

Low point of this week, applying to IHOP. Knowing my luck, that will probably be my new job. Besides the clientele, I really freaking hate the uniforms. A lot. And I usually don't care about stuff like that but you have to draw a line somewhere.

Once I get my new place, I have decided to get myself a housewarming gift. My gift to myself will be another fish, named Fishy Jr. to live on the legacy. I miss my fish. This will be his fishbowl.

I wish. Of course I wanted a see-through fish tank water bed when I was little after seeing A Goofy Movie.

I also like turtles, especially turtles that nom nom some flowers. 

1 comment:

Ryan Matthew said...

I am SO excited for your new place! Hey! Did you realize that we both moved into our last apartments at the same time and are picking new places at the same time - AGAIN! : ) We'll take our uniforms and pose for a picture together!