Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Peter Pan

I am really annoyed right now.... and on top it off I can't even remember the STUPID vocabulary word I learned today for annoyance.

Studying for this is a serious waste of time. The amount I can retain and have retained before I have to take the test is not going to make a difference; the test is 98% likely to not have anything I learned on it. I am frustrated. And I would have studied earlier but I wasn't sure I was taking the test until I talked to Dr. H. Which was only last Friday. So this last minute studying for the test is not working out. Even the book said it wouldn't help because you need "long term knowledge."

Therefore, I am not studying anymore. I'm going to take a practice test, look over the answers, and throw the book at the bear and possible cub that supposedly is living outside the gate. Which everyone says won't bother me on my walks, but I'm not feeling very inclined to take any chances with a wild mama bear thanks.

This is what my test would look like...

LAT (Liz Analogy Test)
POINTLESS: FUTILE :: (a. best idea ever, b. moronic, c. my most meaningful experience, d. fibbertigibbet (we realize no one uses this word, so just ignore it because we have to make you feel stupid somehow) : INANE

Lets look at a real MAT question:

GUANINE : (a. cytosine, b. purine c. uracil, d. pyrimidine) :: ADENINE : THYMINE

While I look at this, I realize that my lack of science education is a real problem. Without knowledge on the detailed chemical intricacies of human DNA how do you answer this? My logic in these situations is "in doubt 1.  put C 2. eenie-minee-mo starting on different answers, 3. move on and wait for the answer to come to me from a. the persons test next to me or b. god." For stability, I go with the first solution and of course get the question wrong.

By the way, the answer is A and the reason is, in human DNA, guanine is the purine that pairs with the pyrimidine cytosine. Likewise, adenine is the purine that pairs with the pyrimidine thymine. Oh OK, all clear now, thanks.

My favorite is when I come across an answer that I really should know and feel really stupid for not. Example:

(a. bifteck, b. legume, c. glace, d. poulet) : STEAK :: ESCARGOTS : SNAILS

At this point I realize that three years of French did nothing for me, although I remember poulet is chicken!

I also like when I pick the right answer, and for a completely different reason than what the MAT makers meant. This is usually because my brain enjoys minimalism ideals and simplicity. For example:

FIREWATER : (a. acid, b. fire, c. liquor, d. lye) :: POTLATCH : FESTIVAL

MAT reasoning behind the question, which would make sense if I knew it but I didn't:
(c) Potlatch was an Indian name for a winter festival; firewater was an Indian name for liquor. 

Liz's reasoning behind the question:
(c) because I don't know what the hell firewater or potlatch is, and I'm only on question 31 out of 120 and only have 35 minutes left, I'll go with C because firewater, potlatch, festival and liquor all have two syllables, well liquor doesn't really, so I'll go with liquor because I feel like it and people drink liquor at festivals although this reasoning is pretty terrible.

And I got it right, and showed how standardized testing is not the most efficient solution to testing someones "long term knowledge" even though I'm pretty sure I didn't learn the Indian (come on MAT, its NATIVE AMERICAN) term for liquor in fourth grade when we went over early America.

Well enough of that, time for us to look at pretty pictures!

I love all these houses and really wish I lived there.

My favorite...

my other favorites

my second favorite


Ryan Matthew said...

Uhmmm that's an easy question Adenine is to Guanine as Thymine is to Cytosine!!!

Ryan Matthew said...

you remember poulet is chicken because I constantly remind you!!!!