Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Greetings from Tampa

Finally here and super tired. That trip felt so much longer than it was. Especially since Leo slept the entire 4 1/2 hours I was driving. The dogs were really good though, didn't make a sound.

I will be spending the majority of my time practicing which I am really excited about. My viola sounds so much better now with my new bridge and it feels so much easier too.

Monday, December 19, 2011



It is a Galaxy Nexus and I really love it. I've only had it a few hours and I don't know how I lived without internet on my phone for so long.

So between my hard drive on my laptop crashing and my old old laptop breaking I have lost a ton of music I have burned over the years. (As in my first 3 years at ECU) So I wrote down some of the music I know I had before but lost and I didn't realize how much I put down because the music library people had to put the CD's in a BOX. A big box too, no little bag for me. I actually feel pretty bad, I wouldn't have wrote down so many if I knew how much it was. Leo went to get them and came back with "the box" and said it took them 45 minutes. I also can't believe they are letting us check out so many. I know one thing, I am turning these in ON TIME. That would be a huge fine.

I am very close to being done with Christmas shopping. I just have Leo's present and his family's. My family is all done and I am relieved. Well except for the CD I am making my mom but that can wait.

I am picking up my viola on my way to Tampa tomorrow and I am EXCITED! I can't wait to play it. I am spoiled by nice instruments.

This break is going to be the break of practicing at all moments of the day. The Hindemith, Kurtag, and Rode' and I are going to get very acquainted. I really hope my viola sounds good.

And now I have Willie Nelson's On The Road Again stuck in my head, however I am currently listening to Menuhin play Mozart concertos so I guess I am having an infamous moment of playing one piece and having another in my head (Aka, Prokofiev String Quartet no. 2 rehearsals).

Next time, I will be writing in 80 degree weather.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A long time I have watched

I am watching Star Wars TRILOGY in my clean and newly decorated apartment and I couldn't be more content.

First of all, I love Yoda, he is awesome. And Luke Skywalker is hot but Harrison Ford is hotter. Second, I love my new wall sconces (which I always pronounce scones) over my dinner table, it is so romantic and quaint. Third, I love my new lamp and seat cover, both of which I would not have gotten without Ryan's astute observations and critique. I also love my new picture that was a bee in it :D Even though Byron said it was ugly.

I had a great weekend with Carolina Philharmonic. The group is good, and the conductor is much more musical than other local conductors which I enjoyed working with. The hotel we stayed in was super nice, and we didn't have to check out until 2 so I had breakfast in bed and watched Sunday Morning in bed. I love Sunday Morning, my mom and I use to watch it every Sunday, which I suppose my mom still does. It reminds me of my childhood though.

I am excited for Christmas, because I am excited about the Christmas presents I have planned for people :D.

I get my viola back tomorrow!!!! I so super excited for my new bridge and sound post adjustment. I realized this weekend while playing on a substitute how spoiled I am by my nice instrument. I think it is going to make a huge difference. I can't wait to get down to business and practice.

Wesley is getting his haircut tomorrow, and then I am taking Wesley and Cadence (who is getting her hairs clipped and teeth cleaned) to take pictures with Santa! I think it is going to be really cute.

Tomorrow I need to buy some Christmas cards, and I was going to make fudge but I don't think I have time anymore which makes me sad. Oh well.

I think I need to listen to more opera.

Tomorrow, when I go to Raleigh, and hopefully get my viola, I will go to Trader Joe's for the first time. I am determined!

Tampa Tuesday, then back to NC for the New Years!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I can not believe how much money these colleges make on application fees only. I have spent so much money on my graduate school application fees it is ridiculous. I could have bought a new laptop. Or lots of make-up. OR THE BLACK GUCCI BAG I HAVE BEEN LUSTING OVER!

This all makes me very sad. However I am almost done with my applications, just figuring out audition dates that make sense. Looks the the Chinatown bus is going to be getting lots of business!

Here are the schools so far on my list:
SUNY Stony Brook
Indiana University
Eastman School of Music
University of North Texas
DePaul University
Northwestern University
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
Cleveland Institute of Music
Roosevelt CCPA (possibly..)

I have so much practicing to do, it will be a miracle from God if I get into any of these programs. But I am still hoping.

I really want an eggnog milkshake! I think it is the only thing that will be me through the tedious ear-cancer inducing Suzuki observation videos I am about to watch.

Too bad I don't have time to play Zelda Skyward Sword game, which is awesome but not as good as Ocarina of Time, sorry. "Deal with it."

I have decided to make a really delicious grape salad for the next Four Seasons party, it is super easy and tastes AMAZING! Maybe I will make a pineapple casserole too, these people need some good southern cookin'.

I finally cleaned my apartment; it is amazing how much better I feel when everything is clean and I can actually see the floor in my bedroom. I also scrubbed down my bathroom which was desperately needed. Of course, in the time I cleaned the living room, bathroom and bedroom Leo just cleaned the kitchen...

I found a perfect painting/picture to put over my couch! Although I found it in Bed Bath and Beyond it is completely my style. I am excited, I am going to get it for a Christmas present for myself. Along with a new diet, which is most certainly needed at this point.

Apparently it is illegal to own or sell turtles in North Carolina? I was very disappointed when I heard this because I really wanted a little baby turtle :(.

C'est la vie.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I haven't blogged since school started, which has been a very interesting semester. Today I experienced the first pains of missing violin. Listening to Ara play the Prokofiev no.1 violin sonata made me remember all those times I listened to my favorite Prokofiev works and looked forward to playing them someday. Since I switched to viola I probably won't have that chance unless I learn it on my own (which could be a fun summer project or something) and that makes me sad. Oh well I'll get over it. And use Google to see if he wrote anything for viola which is unlikely; according to Ara "he knew better".

I have decided that I need to get my life in order. Time management wise and personally, I feel like I am all over the place. I also have been getting flashes of feeling really really depressed and figured I should stop it while I'm ahead. Although I have been wanting a cigarette lately.

My new viola chin rest smells like a cigar if I sweat a little, and it was distracting me during the orchestra concert. I wonder if some fume from it has caused my migraines the last few days but it's probably my period. Or maybe it's a withdrawal symptom from Advil I have been on 24/7 since spraining my ankle.

Cold weather is here, and I am super excited to pull out all my scarves! I also plan to wear heels more often once my ankle heals. I miss the days I looked nice. I also need to pull out all of Cadence's cute sweaters :D.

Best news of the week: my laptop is finally fixed!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have not dropped my blog, I promise. Leo and I are trying to save the future torment that is the electric bill and keep the super computer off. And it's really annoying to post from an iPod.

I might (I hope I don't jinx it) have a job opportunity soon. At this point, nothing can come soon enough. I have been in a consistently bad mood this summer from the family (-ies) drama and I'm starting to get sick of myself. That's pretty bad.

I've decided that once my pressing financial whatever's are dealt with I'm going to bite the $67 dollar bullet and get a laptop hard drive. I miss it, and it's just sitting there. I can't even sell it, so it needs to be resurected. I'm also tried of clunky PCs.

My parents won't stop arguing about the Casey Anthony trial. My mom joined a Facebook group called boycott all things Casey Anthony- books, movies, something liked that and I am slightly mortified, because those groups are like Facebook tacky spam mail. Why are parents on social networks now? I don't mind a lot but I do feel more confined in the picture and language department. Lord knows we all have those aunts who would call us out. That would be my Aunt Jane.

I have three blisters under my skin on my left hand 1st 2nd and 3rd finger. No fourth as of yet since I avoid it like the plague. I need to get this bridge sanded down ASAP. It's pretty painful.

This week I have decided to make a list of goals (aaaaa I'm turning into my mom with the list making) for next school year. Top ten so far consists of learning to play the C string without pressing or sounding floaty and making my vibrato wider. Also getting out of Greenville will earn a place.

I also have to clean the boat AGAIN because somebody refuses to put a cover on it!!!!!!! Of course this has no consequence to said person since he DOESN'T CLEAN IT, but just tells me I am, not ask mind you. God forbid I give my opinion, apparently I have an attitude problem. He has no idea what an attitude problem is.

I am going to start sewing again, and have earned permission to borrow taylors old sewing machine to make some curtains and pillows. August 1st can not come soon enough.

Done with this summer.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

pitch control

Attention all musicians: I have found the secret to making yourself get up at 5:30 to travel 40 minutes to practice and ENJOY it!

...Avoiding annoying parents and shitty situations!

I need to get out ASAP.

I also play really flat on the viola, its kind of amazing. I need to do some serious ear training, my ear has fallen off the pitch (bad joke). Thank god for chromatic tuners. The good news is every time I play I notice a big difference in my sound and sight reading. The vibrato and intonation are coming slowly, but everything is getting a lot easier. I was thinking too much violin and not "this is a viola, it is different". The other good news is I really like my repertoire.

I wish my laptop had a hard drive... ugh.

Did I mention I need to get out of my parents house asap? My mom agrees with me and doesn't blame me, that is saying something.

For some reason while I was taking a break I thought back to when everyone and their mom (literally) was obsessed with Farmville...those were good days.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Due to my current lack of job-age, I have picked up a new hobby.

Thrift store browsing!

Today, after I got really frustrated, dropped Leo off at his first crap-job work day, vacuumed out the car, went to every dollar general/tree in a 45 mile radius, and hotel, I went consignment store/thrift shop adventuring. Once I have some income, and get my bills paid, I decided that I should probably redecorate. Most of my home decor is from my bright pink girly freshman days and Leo has been expressing his wish for more unisex room themes. Therefore I am thinking old Venetian, vintage cottage, light pink decor :D (and telling him that my job assessment tests say that compromise is the best way to solve a conflict). Unless you are applying as manager to Popeyes, then they need to just make some damn good fried chicken!

The other issue is that the kitchen in my new place is BRIGHT YELLOW (not a Liz friendly color at all). Bright yellow and black plates is too bumble bee for me, and I am tired of the Italian chef look because I need to stay away from Italian food all together. Therefore my new plan is to go more white with light green and light blue country kitchen touches.

Okay I have been watching HGTV too, but I really love that channel. And I need to recognize my southern country roots at some point in my life, or at least that's my excuse for loving the country style.

I am also into do-it-yourself crafts, because I am picky and can never find stuff I like. For instance, every store I go into has butt ugly curtains and I have a hard time finding any I like.

I feel like these pictures kind of define the music world or life as a classical musician in general.

Or maybe it's me making another weird metaphor again. 
I also really enjoyed these pictures I found of really retarded portraits with even more retarded props. These are so ridiculously 80's/90's and so hilarious.

and my favorite...

gotta get some Chad lovin'

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blip on my radar

Living at home for 27 days now ( I mean, whose counting? oh right, Steve), has made me realize how little time I have spent with my parents since age 14. Before the NCSA days, I was never home. I spent the night at friends houses constantly, since 3 of my best friends were within walking distance of my house. If not the night, I was over there during the day, after school, weekends, you name it. When I went to NCSA, I rarely went home. I would come home for holidays, two weeks in the summer before a summer festival, and two weeks after the festival and before I go back to school. I hardly saw or spoke to my family either, maybe once every 2-4 weeks, because I have bad phone relations. Of course when I was home, I took full advantage of my time to be a "normal" teenager... going to the beach, spending an entire week at a friends house, going to my friends schools and toilet papering their car while they are in class, driving around for hours, and basically never being home (or being home and having a friend over too). I went to summer festivals every year in high school, and once I came to college things weren't very different. I never lived at home, and though I saw my mom a lot more at the SOM, I still had a life centered around fun, friends and music. Now that I am at home, miles away from friends, with only my family (minus Leo) that I am not use to being around in large doses and isn't use to me, it is a very big strain. Since I went away to high school, they have adjusted to the empty nest of home. I feel like a complete outsider... worse a 24 year old outsider who can't find a job and has to fend of them. Granted they are my family, but I might as well be in my thirties because I have been gone and independent for a long freaking time, unlike a lot of college students who still rely on their parents until they get their first big job. The problem is I'm not in my thirties, and I am in a weird transitional time in my life, and I went away from home really young and everyone has adjusted accordingly.

Wait, is my blog my new shrink? This feels like a therapy session.

On that note, the therapists in G-villez really suck, I miss my old one. They are either too flippant with "that must be hard" (note no real sympathy or understanding, nor asking questions to better understand the complexities of the issue) or ended up talking about themselves and how they can relate. How does that make me feel better? I don't care,  I'm paying you to care and help, so I don't need to know my problems aren't singular. I know that people are in a shittier situations. Can I just have a PAID hour of Liz - only time? Annoying.

I went to the doctors today to get more meds for the rosacea, that has possibly become a bacterial infection on my skin (great) and this guy came in selling watermelons. It was amusing because he came in about 4 times (simultaneously dropping off his elderly father) going up to the counter and going over the prices for all the pounds of seedless and seeded. He was the most obnoxious salesperson I have ever seen. The receptionist told him to come back on payday, with noted sarcasm, and he asked when it was. Well you have to give him an A for effort.

Leo has, in two days, obtained two jobs. Liz has none, but I'm glad money will be coming in somehow.

The good news is...we got a new place!!! It's a little old, like built in 40's but updated on old, but you know what, it has character. I think I need a place with some personality, I'm tired of motel living. Its a little house/duplex/or triplex home, in a small cul-de-sac and is the last one of the end. The best part is that the rooms are on the side that isn't connected to another home; which means we can practice without worrying too much. There is also a forest in the back for easy doggie access. My mom and I are already brainstorming about what potted plants to put out :D. It's not much, but it is the first place Leo and I picked out together, and it is a step up from an apartment, so I am happy. It is cute.

Low point of this week, applying to IHOP. Knowing my luck, that will probably be my new job. Besides the clientele, I really freaking hate the uniforms. A lot. And I usually don't care about stuff like that but you have to draw a line somewhere.

Once I get my new place, I have decided to get myself a housewarming gift. My gift to myself will be another fish, named Fishy Jr. to live on the legacy. I miss my fish. This will be his fishbowl.

I wish. Of course I wanted a see-through fish tank water bed when I was little after seeing A Goofy Movie.

I also like turtles, especially turtles that nom nom some flowers. 

Monday, June 20, 2011


Father's Day is my least favorite holiday.

I am hopefully going to get called for an interview for Artisans soon, and I realllllllllllllllllllllllly hope I get the job. My family is putting pressure on me (or really they think I am not doing shit to get a job which isn't true) and my stress won't leave until a job happens. This process is painful, and I really need to move somewhere soon. I think I found a new place I want to live; tomorrow I am going over there to fill out an application and see if my credit (eh) can pass the test. Leo got a surprise check yesterday, and I got back 215 of my deposit since they owned me money (this stuff NEVER happens to me!)  so hopefully I can put down the deposit!

Clemen's is all paid up, and I hope I won't have to bother him again since I think he hates me. 

In other news, I really want a freaking dairy queen blizzard. :( 

My parents suggested I go by Sullivan learning center and ask for a job. I think I will, even if I am at 3rd grade level math. I wonder if I should ask for a disability check.

My parents are also so anal about saving money that they just asked me to turn off the bathroom light while Leo was IN THERE. They also told me to stop doing dishes during the day to save money, which is completely fine with me, its not like I want to do it anyway; I am just trying to be helpful. God forbid.

What a terrible summer.

And I officially sound better on viola than violin. I actually missed viola while playing violin this weekend. It might also be because I had to play on my crappy violin that didn't have an A string. 

Why are blonde evil vampires so hot? I usually don't find blondes attractive. 

And every time I see a Madeline Island update on Facebook I feel very nostalgic and sad. 

This is the new motto since my old one is overused. 

I stumbled upon this picture and stared at it for awhile. Unlike most stumble upon items that I usually speed through, I couldn't stop looking at it because its the most symbolic image I've ever seen of my "dark ages". It's how I sometimes see my life, and how I can feel really hopeless and trapped. It's really beautiful in a way. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

"If you will not pass a drug test, please leave quietly"

I am in purgatory, I need some ranting time.

The title was on top of an employment agency application, and I thought about it for awhile and assumed they added the quietly for a reason, but who would leave any employment agency screaming "aw shit, why did I smoke that dope last night?!" or anything for that matter. I mean, drug users are not necessarily shameless publicly.

Today was job hunting day again in G-villez, and it was not fun. First I went to Wesley South to get any mail that came, and the maintenance guy was sighing and moaning about it on the phone very loudly to the office person. And I heard him; I'm sorry for being an inconvenience, its just I don't really want someone looking at any bills I have and stealing my identity. Giving people keys is just a major chore, I know. And they are ripping out the carpet in my apartment, and they better not charge me extra for that because I think my 600 dollar pet deposit needs to go to something.

Uni. Parks apartment they showed us was absolutely disgusting, honestly if people really leave the apartments that dirty I don't even know what to say. Well yes I do, Wesley South better not charge me for crap because I left it better than I got it. Same with this apartment I saw today if I get it. Well, we will see about that, I am still looking around. And there was no dishwasher, and old vomit on the stairs. I think they showed us the party people building and not the nice music students building.

I went to employment agencies, filled out applications which was fine. The first one I went to was actually nice, except for the man behind the computer grunting at things I said. The second one was not as great, because the first thing they ask when you walk in is "do you have a high school diploma or GED?" I did take a look at the application this guy was filling out next to me though, and realized I was way over qualified since his only work was a bagger at piggly wiggly. When I was called back, the women asked me how I felt about factory assembly work..... this summer is really turning out nicely.

To top off the day, I was sitting in Starbucks, where I would really like to work, enjoying my gift card bought parfait and thinking "how the hell do so many stupid and rude people get jobs and I can't?" when Mrs. K.D. walks in wearing a Starbucks uniform. At this point I stopped thinking about my previous worries because I realized I will never understand the mysteries of the universe.

We got an ice machine today, I'm not really sure how to feel about it.

Wesley jumped off the golf cart today while we were moving, momentarily freaking us out and made me remember the time I was riding in the back of Steve's pick up truck with young Jippy up the driveway and she jumped off. I didn't let go of the leash, although now that I look back I probably should have for safety, but ended up leaning over the truck with Jippy running next to it screaming like crazy.

I've been to the Kinko's in G-villez a lot over the years, and there is one guy there that really irks me. He is constantly sarcastic, which might be hypocritical for me to say but his sarcasm is the big-headed type that I can't stand. Today I went in to mail back the viola case, and granted the box had gone back and forth a couple times, but he had the audacity to make a little bitchy comment about it because it's slightly bent  up and dirty. I mean, I'm sorry that your job is so mundane that your only entertaining is smugly commenting on used boxes. I'm sure you really bruised the boxes ego, I know mine is. As long as the box doesn't have holes, is able to hold things, and has room for the address form, I don't really care about the condition of a shipping box, getting banged up is part of its job, that is why we use them.

It really wasn't a big deal, but it was just so unnecessary.

Also, who cares which stove burner you use to simmer something? It's the only thing on the stove!

On a happy note, I feel closer to getting a job, and have a couple more possibilities happening. I really hope something will happen soon. And I did better than 73 % of the general percentile on my MAT! A small accomplishment but I was really worried so it made me feel better.

This picture is in honor of my parents new dog training approach of saying "quiet" and putting out the hand in a very "use the force" motion. It is giving me great entertainment, and using the force might be the only way to get Benson to stop barking.

Friday, June 10, 2011

High Tide

Lovely day.

Woke up with a parental lecture, called five employment agencies to get appointments on Monday, moved the sprinklers around the front yard getting wet, went to the grocery store (that was the highlight of today, since I rolled down the windows and yelled "FREEDOMMMMMM" really loud), and practiced.

 I also talked to the manager of Food Lion, which didn't do anything since she just said they had no job openings and everything is online anyway.

I did get my case today though! :D

And now I am doing laundry.

This is going to be the longest summer of my life.

I like clouds.

So the 2011 hurricane season officially started, something a life-time southern living east coaster like me has always been aware of and affected by. I have been through a lot of storms, some small and forgettable, like ..... I don't remember. And some huge and devastating, like Andrew when I lived in Miami and Floyd in North Carolina. Floyd put a good amount of eastern NC and my town underwater, cancelling school for two weeks and making my family live with my grandma in western NC since the power plate was under water and there was no electricity. The best was when we got back; there was still no power, so we went and bought a big ass generator, and the lights turned backed on while we were holding up the flashlights reading the instructions. Best timing moment ever.

But on a serious note, it really devastated an already largely underdeveloped and rural area, and a lot of people were homeless; there was more than 20 new students in my school from displacement because they lost their homes.

Eastern NC, completely flooded in many areas.

 Tar River Estates, across the street from where I use to live, couple blocks from campus.

At its strongest, Floyd was a category 4, but was weakened to a 2 when it hit NC. The issue was the ground and rivers were already over-saturated due to Hurricane Dennis that had recently hit, so the torrential rainfall caused every river basin to flood, putting eastern NC underwater. 

Andrew (which I apparently predicted was coming a week before the storm changed its track to south FL) was the worst, but I slept through it so I don't even remember it (apparently it was ridiculously loud, like a freight train for hours and my family was astonished I didn't wake up). But when I went outside, everything was a mess. Thankfully the eye didn't come through Miami, but of course it went to Homestead and completely flattened everything, including the people from Miami who went to Homestead thinking the eye was passing north and of course it went south, specifically Biscayne Bay and coming on land near Homestead Air Force Base (where Leo was born) and completely destroyed it. My family left south FL because there was no power, lots of destruction and went to my grandmas. I guess that was a trend I'm just realizing. My mom also opened the back door during the storm freaking my family out and my hamster died shortly after the storm; we think it was due to psychological trauma from the storm because it acted weird afterwards.

Miami neighborhood, completely gone.

Andrew, category 5.
I feel that because I have been through so many storms, I have become desensitized to them a bit. Of course I am smart and can do some serious boarding of windows (by the way, how the water front beach house in NC is still up is completely astonishing), but tornadoes scare me way more. Hurricanes to some degree are predictable, but then again hurricanes usually cause many tornadoes so I guess my point doesn't make a lot of sense. The winds are terrifying, especially in stronger storms because they are deafeningly loud. And the storm surge can be terrible. I just hope a huge storm doesn't come this way, I really like my house. Good thing its up on stilts.

The eye is a really strange experience. I've only been in it once and it really was eerie. After the strong winds, hard rain and hail, then its completely quiet. I went outside and it was like the most perfect day, sun shining bright and no clouds. The only thing that gives it away is the next cloud wall coming that you can see, and the wet ground and debris. The air feels different too, and is warmer in temperature.

Here is what the NOAA says about the 2011 storm season.

NOAA said in mid-May that there is a 70 percent chance of the following:
-          12-18 Named Storms
-          6-10 Hurricanes
-          3-6 Major Hurricanes

I guess we'll just have to see. 
As long as it isn't this hurricane, or typhoon, a category 5 super hurricane named Tip that was the largest and more intense on record. 
The storm, if in the Atlantic, would have covered half the nation. 
That is seriously scary. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Choice Privileges

Today was pretty relaxing, besides cleaning the boat (in 100 degree weather and blaring sun) for hours, and getting a little sunburn, I mainly rested. The big drama of today was Benson and Jippy getting into the bag with the shrimp shells and tails and making a mess. woo woo. 

I am excited that Netflix updated the movies and TV shows, I was getting tired of the selection, and I basically watch everything I wanted to. 

I went on a walk today and we stopped at the beach, letting Wesley and Cadence get reacquainted with the water, which they weren't fond of. 

I love it out here. Most relaxing place on earth.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We are the champions

My mom has been singing we are the champions lately, I'm not sure what the reason is though.

The BIG NEWS of today is that......... I passed the MAT!!!!! Granted, I had to get at least a 40 % projectile, but I got a 53 %. Which means I'm not really smart but better than average. And the test was a whole lot harder than the practice tests; usually it goes from easy to hard but the first question today was ridiculous and I was panicking.  But its over and I am incredibly relieved.

Afterwards I sat in bed and watched the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and laughed at all the terrible 90's graphics, but the show is pretty entertaining. I'll be over it in two days I'm sure.

I sight read the Handel - Halvorsen today with Leo, I did a pretty good job, not great but the first part was easy :D. My intermediately level reading needs to get better quickly, aka. yesterday. Gustav needs a breaking in, and I've been a big neglectful.

I tried to explain clefs to Steve tonight, and realized that to someone completely music illiterate it is difficult. I tried to explain it by using language as a comparison, and different clefs are like different dialects that are completely different reading and writing but use the same words, alphabet and symbols. I think he understood, maybe. Of course according to Leo, I'm never clear when I'm trying to describe something, and have been banned from saying "thing-y".

Tomorrow on my list of things to do is:

  • Clean inside of boat
  • Power wash the side of the house
  • Practice a lot
  • Send in at least three more job applications
  • Get my shit together
I just really need a job so I can get out of this limbo period. 

Today's wish list item:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Peter Pan

I am really annoyed right now.... and on top it off I can't even remember the STUPID vocabulary word I learned today for annoyance.

Studying for this is a serious waste of time. The amount I can retain and have retained before I have to take the test is not going to make a difference; the test is 98% likely to not have anything I learned on it. I am frustrated. And I would have studied earlier but I wasn't sure I was taking the test until I talked to Dr. H. Which was only last Friday. So this last minute studying for the test is not working out. Even the book said it wouldn't help because you need "long term knowledge."

Therefore, I am not studying anymore. I'm going to take a practice test, look over the answers, and throw the book at the bear and possible cub that supposedly is living outside the gate. Which everyone says won't bother me on my walks, but I'm not feeling very inclined to take any chances with a wild mama bear thanks.

This is what my test would look like...

LAT (Liz Analogy Test)
POINTLESS: FUTILE :: (a. best idea ever, b. moronic, c. my most meaningful experience, d. fibbertigibbet (we realize no one uses this word, so just ignore it because we have to make you feel stupid somehow) : INANE

Lets look at a real MAT question:

GUANINE : (a. cytosine, b. purine c. uracil, d. pyrimidine) :: ADENINE : THYMINE

While I look at this, I realize that my lack of science education is a real problem. Without knowledge on the detailed chemical intricacies of human DNA how do you answer this? My logic in these situations is "in doubt 1.  put C 2. eenie-minee-mo starting on different answers, 3. move on and wait for the answer to come to me from a. the persons test next to me or b. god." For stability, I go with the first solution and of course get the question wrong.

By the way, the answer is A and the reason is, in human DNA, guanine is the purine that pairs with the pyrimidine cytosine. Likewise, adenine is the purine that pairs with the pyrimidine thymine. Oh OK, all clear now, thanks.

My favorite is when I come across an answer that I really should know and feel really stupid for not. Example:

(a. bifteck, b. legume, c. glace, d. poulet) : STEAK :: ESCARGOTS : SNAILS

At this point I realize that three years of French did nothing for me, although I remember poulet is chicken!

I also like when I pick the right answer, and for a completely different reason than what the MAT makers meant. This is usually because my brain enjoys minimalism ideals and simplicity. For example:

FIREWATER : (a. acid, b. fire, c. liquor, d. lye) :: POTLATCH : FESTIVAL

MAT reasoning behind the question, which would make sense if I knew it but I didn't:
(c) Potlatch was an Indian name for a winter festival; firewater was an Indian name for liquor. 

Liz's reasoning behind the question:
(c) because I don't know what the hell firewater or potlatch is, and I'm only on question 31 out of 120 and only have 35 minutes left, I'll go with C because firewater, potlatch, festival and liquor all have two syllables, well liquor doesn't really, so I'll go with liquor because I feel like it and people drink liquor at festivals although this reasoning is pretty terrible.

And I got it right, and showed how standardized testing is not the most efficient solution to testing someones "long term knowledge" even though I'm pretty sure I didn't learn the Indian (come on MAT, its NATIVE AMERICAN) term for liquor in fourth grade when we went over early America.

Well enough of that, time for us to look at pretty pictures!

I love all these houses and really wish I lived there.

My favorite...

my other favorites

my second favorite

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pure Life

On my walk I met a turtle.

He was by the beach and was very big and old, with a sea worn shell that had little barnacles on it.

So, his name was Barnacle Bob. I stared at him for awhile, waiting for him to move and when he did he defined the slow turtle concept. He was so slow, and I laughed a little. Then out of nowhere, he moved FAST, ran across the beach, and head dived a wave.

My life lesson today was appearances aren't always what they seem.

Leo met a snake, but I hate snakes no matter what I said on my Petsmart application so I won't write about it.

Low tide

I've been pondering hobbies, besides Gustav...

I think I want to learn calligraphy, its pretty, will help my handwriting, and if I am good I'll make bank doing wedding invitations.

Finished up some work applications today, all the Starbucks (although they aren't hiring I figure why not) ones, Petsmart and JC Penney. Also Pizazz and Artisans, but I will have to turn those in later when I go to G-villa.

And of course studied, or looked at them and didn't retain shit. But once I cut out the flashcards I will be a vocab machine. Actually I'm going to be forgetting all this crap, might as well be honest with myself.

Now time for something completely different......


Sunday, June 5, 2011

pax vobicsum

Procrastination Moment

Pax vobicsum was under the section "selected foreign words and phrases used in English" I need to know for the MAT and it is my new favorite phrase. It means "peace be with you" in Latin. If I could, I would use it as my new locker combination.

When I was in high school, and I had to take the SAT. I'll admit that I didn't really care like I should have. A month before the test I contemplated really studying and making an effort... I really did. I figured "the SAT is supposedly kinda important so maybe I should care to some degree and study like everyone else or retake it a couple times," but I didn't study and went and took the test. A quarter way through the test, when the frustration, tiredness, confusion, hunger and minor headache was coming on, I decided that no matter what I was never doing that again. I figured as long as I was above or around 1100, I'd take it. So I took my score, and didn't look back. I was actually pretty proud of my score since I didn't study, although studying for tests like that never made sense to me in the first place. Some people are just great memorizers and have great study habits, parrots memorize all kinds of things.

However I do not have another $85 dollars for the MAT so I better pass.

God who cares about this testing crap? No one I realize but I don't have much going on.

Another great new term is eschatology, the study of the end of the world. Where can I apply for that job? I hope salary isn't based on a monthly quota.

I also learned about Harry Harlow, an American psychologist who studied the importance of attachment for baby monkeys.

Here are some things that I like to look at, maybe you will too. I love nature and the countryside, I find it more awesome and inspiration than anything material or human-made. It's like going to your first and foremost home.

and something else completely cute.