Wednesday, June 29, 2011

pitch control

Attention all musicians: I have found the secret to making yourself get up at 5:30 to travel 40 minutes to practice and ENJOY it!

...Avoiding annoying parents and shitty situations!

I need to get out ASAP.

I also play really flat on the viola, its kind of amazing. I need to do some serious ear training, my ear has fallen off the pitch (bad joke). Thank god for chromatic tuners. The good news is every time I play I notice a big difference in my sound and sight reading. The vibrato and intonation are coming slowly, but everything is getting a lot easier. I was thinking too much violin and not "this is a viola, it is different". The other good news is I really like my repertoire.

I wish my laptop had a hard drive... ugh.

Did I mention I need to get out of my parents house asap? My mom agrees with me and doesn't blame me, that is saying something.

For some reason while I was taking a break I thought back to when everyone and their mom (literally) was obsessed with Farmville...those were good days.

1 comment:

Ryan Matthew said...

Those WERE the good days! I remember Micaela telling me to do it and then I got you hooked! Remember all of us checking our farms in the library before performance practice class?????? Good times!